Our Values
The Bible is inspired, eternal and true.
Helping people know and love the Bible will be a hallmark of our church. We will delight in its ancient and unchanging truth.
Jesus is for all people.
The gospel breaks barriers of race, age and gender, and so will we. We will celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of Christ's body by loving and valuing one another.
We are passionate about healthy families.
When we develop beautiful marriages and partner with parents, we will strengthen our region and raise up the next generation.
Life in the Spirit is a journey.
Whether through multiple steps over a lifetime or in a miraculous moment, we will be awake to the ways the Holy Spirit is transforming people.
Authenticity marks true community.
Vulnerability precedes change and anonymity is the enemy of real belonging. We will model and encourage the risk of revealing what we want to mask.
Spiritual growth happens intentionally.
No one moves to maturity by accident. We will create comprehensive pathways for discipleship.
Serving is a passion and a privilege.
We are contributors, not consumers. We will be relentless in serving within and beyond our walls.
Our Measures
Saved by Grace
People in a living relationship with Jesus Christ embrace the Gospel truth that they are saved by grace. For some, this will happen in a decisive encounter while for others it will be a gradual realization. For all, it results in gratitude for Jesus' death and resurrection.
Biblically Rooted
People in a living relationship with Jesus Christ recognize that the library we call the Bible is inspired, eternal, and true. They delight in its unchanging truths and find their identity in its frequently unsettling, but always liberating story.
Connected in Community
People with a living relationship with Jesus Christ prioritize meeting together and reject anonymity. Through both Sunday worship gatherings with many and more intimate connection with a few - being known by other believers both encourages and spurs us on towards love and good deeds.
Serving Others
People with a living relationship with Jesus Christ develop a servant life-style so that the Love of God can be visible and tangible to the world around them. They do so faithfully and consistently whether inside or outside the walls of the church.
Faithful at Home
People with a living relationship with Jesus Christ live a faith that starts at home. Whether single, married, parents or kids, their living relationship with Jesus Christ serves as the primary influence in who they are with those closest to them.
Generous with Resources
People with a living relationship with Jesus Christ recognize that all they have comes from God and so are glad to give generously to his work.
Emotionally Healthy
People with a living relationship with Jesus Christ recognize that emotions are a gift from God that have been affected by sin as much as the rest of our being. Rather than ignoring or indulging them, we will pursue emotional maturity in our relationship with ourselves, others, and our Lord.
Sharing the Gospel
People with a living relationship with Jesus Christ utilize the tool of testimony to share the life-changing message of Jesus with people far from Christ wherever they are. The invited become the inviters.