April 18-20, 2025
You’re invited to celebrate the hope, peace and victory of Jesus with us this Easter!

Weekend Service Times
Good Friday Services
English: 7 PM (Worship Center)
Spanish: 7 PM (Living Room)
Families worship together.
Friday, April 18
English Easter Sunday Services
English: 7:30 AM | 9 AM | 10:30 AM
Nursery and kids programming available for infants through Kindergarteners.
Sunday, April 20
Servicio De Adoración y Alabanzas
10:30 AM
Programación de guardería y niños disponible desde bebés hasta jardín de infantes.
Domingo, 31 de Marzo
Sunday, April 20
9 AM & 10:30 AM
What To Expect
Arrive a few minutes early so you’ll have time to grab a free coffee and/or check in your little ones. Our Easter services include engaging worship and a Bible-based, Jesus-centered message of hope. We have been praying for you before you even get here and we cannot WAIT to celebrate Easter with you.